Our Vision

About us

Mirror for the Moon was birthed out of a deep desire to connect others to the profound grace and magic that lies within. Minerals hold the great Mysteries of life, as we all do. Their presence here is to act as ally, guiding us towards a more expansive and nonlinear magic that the modern world seems to neglect. They are the reminders, the record keepers, the light holders, the song singers.

They choose to work with us, in collaboration, as we maneuver through these seemingly chaotic times. It is my greatest and deepest intention to connect these stones with their destined keepers. As they offer their hearts to us in service, I offer mine.

The Crystals

All Mirror for the Moon products are consciously curated and sourced with respect for mother nature in mind. Mirror for the Moon chooses to work with the earth, in reverence, which allows for deeper connection and alignment with the stones and other medicines. All crystals undergo a unique cleansing process which can include a deep soak in sea salt water, fresh herb & flower baths, sacred song, rinses in essential oil and flower essence blends, sunlight, and smudging.

Crystals are living and growing beings and as we create our conscious reality, they do as well. Much talk of polished verse rough stones and their energetic strength can be heard among crystal people, but it is my belief that each stone has chosen whether they have been shaped, polished, or harvested. And while I do believe are crystals desire respect from their human allies, I also believe they are among us for a reason in the form they have chosen.

Crystals work in very nonlinear ways. Some may feel certain sensations when working with crystals while others may not and each experience is valid. Crystals are here to work with us as tools in collaboration and they will only push us as far as we are willing to go. You will begin to notice that deeper and deeper truths will reveal as you continue your work with them. The layers of understanding will expand and evolve as your relationship to yourself and the stones grow. Listen, always.

Ashley Abbott lives and works in Los Angeles, CA. She is a crystal shepherdess, writer, healer, and mother. Ashley provides intuitive crystal consults for the individual and is committed to serving her community by sharing her appreciation of the mineral kingdom. Her work explores the meaning of self-responsibility in a gentle and compassionate space.

Meet Ashley

Meet Justin

Justin Guizar, a beloved member of Ashley’s soul family, came on as a partner in 2022, to support the vision and expansion of the brand. Justin is a creative force, artist, and designer who has a deep and profound connection to this magical kingdom. Ashley and Justin have known one another for 9 years, and many lifetimes before this one, and consider themselves family.