January 16th New Moon in Capricorn // Black Amethyst

New Moon in Capricorn 🌑

B L A C K  A M E T H Y S T

This New Moon in Capricorn is asking us to take steps towards a new way of being, of uniting the inner world with the outer world, of joining our hearts and minds, of blending our spiritual life with our physical life, and bringing our emotional selves into alignment with our spiritual selves. This is about letting go of old ways, of being stuck and caught up. This is about union in ways we have never seen before. For some of us, it is easy to keep our heads in the clouds. Flying high above the chaos of life feels good, it’s true. We can dream and enjoy our inner world for eternity it seems, and this can be an easy escape for some of us. For others, it is more comfortable to remain grounded and caught up in life’s race. The material world may mean the most to us, and all of our energy is placed on possessions, work, and surviving our daily life. This is all valid, and both worlds are necessary. This New Moon in Capricorn is asking us to untify our colorful, spiritual life, with our daily life. Bring those dreams we vision while in the clouds back down to earth. Share them. Grow with them. Let every moment be a spiritual moment, experienced here on this earthly plane.

To ease us into this union of spirituality and the physical, lean on the wisdom of Black Amethyst. Black Amethyst is a very suggestive combination of Amethyst and Hematite, making it’s color rich with depth. Amethyst connects us with our spiritual selves, showing us the ways of intuition and guiding us back to the medicine our higher selves have in store for us. And Hematite grounds us into the density of the earth, offering protection and presence. These two minerals together create an intense kind of magic; truly grounding us in our spirituality, bringing all aspects of our spiritual selves through our bodies and into this earthly plane. Let the union of these two minerals be the reflection of what this New Moon is calling from us. Medicine is everywhere.

Always enjoy the beauty...





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